Man in Arizona Files Massive Scamera Lawsuit – Redflex Named

In 2008 this brave and educated American Daniel Gutenkauf decided to take a stand against the unlawful cameras in his town.  You can read the full 88 legal transcript here:

Click to access 01-0-20101005.pdf

And view other content on the case here:,-redflex-over-2008-photo-radar-ticket

Tempe Man Files Massive Scamera Lawsuit – Redflex Named

Downplaying int the mainstream media:These cameras are a form of fraud.  The mainstream media tries to downplay this story by saying a “man is suing”.  Trivializing this with pejorative terms as if spilled hot coffee or a neighbor with a loud dog.  The truth is startling.  What is really happening here is a man is taking a major risk and investing his time and hard earned money to bring to light the truth of the situation. These cameras are a violation of basic rights to travel freely and unmolested by cameras.  If we can spread awareness about this injustice, maybe we can influence more citizens to stand up to this institution.  The cameras are not “here for our protection”, they are strategically places to horde profit from busy intersections.


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